Wednesday 14 January 2015

Blogging! 1/2

He closed his books and stared at the clock hoping that he had spent at least 2 hours lost in his back aching studies. It was 6 after the sun had set. A cool breeze came flying in through the open window along with only the rustling of leaves. The evening, lacking the laughs of children to him which were just noises, was as perfect as he could imagine. Taking breaths of relief, he decided to take 5 min away from his tomes. Unplugged his mobile from the charger, he started strolling Facebook. Swiping his thumb over the screen, hoping to find something interesting but nil. He shut his eyes and laid on his bed. His legs hung freely like vines reaching to touch the ground from trees in a rain forest. A loner as he was, he was always searching for new ways to keep himself at doing something. But he never was consistent with anything.

2 years from today, he felt motivated to do art. One random day, sitting in a classroom, listening to the teacher's continuous rumbling, he felt helplessly bored. If a bomb hadn't exploded in the vicinity and had given a harder, faster pump to his heart, he would have gone mad by the lack of enthusiasm in the scene. Left with nothing, he held the pencil tight, and started moving it randomly on the rough notebook on his work table. He hadn't before honed his skills in the traditional arts of sketching. But after violently rubbing the pencils top to the paper, he came up with something better than what he had imagined. He was a natural at this. Uncovering his new found talents, he decided to study and make himself better at this. He practiced, progressed, then his teachers acknowledged his prowess in the arts and sent him to the "All Pakistan Federal Colleges Arts Competition". Remarkably, just after 2 months of practice and not much of hard work, he toppled everybody and claimed the 3rd position. Next year, the professors of the college, again recommended the champion of last year to once again participate. Everyone had high hopes in him but himself. Yet again he secured the 3rd position. But after a few months, his interest in arts diminished and he went for something else. His new interest was Photography. He always had admired images of diverse details and had always wondered about the story behind the image. The way it was made, the equipment that was used, the light preferred for the shot. Everything interested him! He bought a Nikon D3100 as allowed his pocket. Equipped with the beginner level digital SLR, armed with a 18-55mm kit lens, he used to wander in the opens day and night for a perfect shot of the day. Other than sketching, painting and photography, he also had once embraced the skill of story writing but that hadn't much flourished. 
He couldn't come up with anything to do in the time he had taken away from his books. Then a wild thought came up in his mind. Blogging! 

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